5 Signs That You Need a New Water Heater

By [company_name]

It’s not a stretch to say that we all deserve hot running water. Though sustaining a steady supply of it is still a recent phenomenon in the history of man, it’s one we all need and deserve.

So when our hot water stops working, our homes and health could be at risk.

I Need Water Heater Repair or Replacement!

You might notice an occasional odd problem or two with your water heater, but when is it time to call a professional? When is it time to get a new water heater?

Though avoiding the problem until the last minute may be tempting, it could produce consequences much more expensive than the initial financial investment of replacing one.

So keep reading for 5 signs that you need a new water heater. We’ll tell you how they happen, what to look out for, and if it’s something you should call an expert about.

1. Old Age

If your water heater’s lived a long life, it’s most likely time to switch it out for a new one. For reference, most water heaters last an average of 8-10 years. Of course, symptoms could show themselves earlier, but age is a surefire sign of degradation.

Even if older water heaters don’t show their age, it’s best to switch them out. After a certain point, further damage is essentially inevitable. Switching them out will prevent worse, more expensive problems from happening in the future.

At the very least, your old heater will definitely be more worn down. Although it will still work, it works harder to function properly, causing a spike in your utility bills and your carbon footprint.

Don’t take your chances when it comes to water heater problems. Although getting a new water heater may sound like an unnecessary first expense, it’s a financial and lifestyle investment.

2. Rusty Water

Rust is as threatening as it is visually unappealing. It’s a common culprit of damage to household appliances.

When left to its own devices, rust spreads through and weakens metals in your appliances, inflicting major structural damage. This is especially dangerous with an appliance like a water heater. Not only can it cause leaks, but it can also cause rust and water damage to other areas the heater is connected to.

Most likely, the heater was too old to run properly anyway. Either way, rusty water can originate from numerous problems. Rusty running hot water necessitates an entire water heater replacement, rusty tap water indicates a pipe issue, and rusty inlets/valves should encourage a tank replacement.

3. Leaks

Leaks should never be ignored, as water damage can snowball into a host of other problems when left alone. Leaks usually happen when the pipes have endured thousands of heating cycles, expanding and deflating between alternating temperatures.

After a while, the pipes will stop being so flexible. When they do, they won’t bend all the way next time they experience heat. Instead, fractures will appear, making room for leaks to slip through.

Through erosion and progressive water damage, this damage will get worse and spur new problems. So if you’re experiencing leaks but are still hesitating to replace your water heater, remember the bigger financial risks you’re taking through inaction.

4. Water Not Heating

Even a few hours without hot water can make your life pretty uncomfortable. So if your water only runs hot on occasion or not at all, then you might be due for a new water heater installation.

If the thermostat’s in working order, then there might be an issue with the heating element. Heating element fixes are more minor than a full water heater installation, so repairing a heating element might not be as steep as a full tank replacement.

Many times, the tank’s size is the culprit. It’s hard for a smaller tank to keep up with a larger family. If this is the case, then it’s time to replace your heater. Continuing usage of an ill-sized tank is only going to cause more problems in the future; at the very least, you’ll deal with cold water until you finally decide to finally switch out your tank.

5. Knocking Noises

Banging or knocking noises also guarantee that you need to replace your water heater. Most likely, you won’t hear your heater transition from silence to banging right away. Instead, you’ll hear a humming at first that gets louder over the years.

When it culminates into those loud, knocking noises, check the bottom of your tank first. It’s possible that it’s experiencing sediment buildup, which can obstruct and damage the appliance. If the sediment has already caused damage, then call a professional so that they can properly assess the situation.

However, a working tank only needs an annual flush. In fact, annual flushes are very useful as a preventative measure. Professional flushing services will ensure that nothing obstructs your heater’s circulation and that you don’t need a premature full heater replacement.

But if a flush doesn’t fix the problem, then your heater has deeper, more urgent problems that need to be addressed. In that case, it’s hard to do a proper DIY diagnosis. For situations like these, a professional is pretty much mandatory.

Let a Professional Service Water Heater Today!

Hot running water is a necessity that cooks our food and maintains our hygiene. While it has many more benefits, even just these two illustrate how crucial it is to our livelihoods. So when your water heater breaks, it’s time to ensure that it’s fixed as soon as possible.

At [company_name], we understand what a working water heater means to your comfort and peace of mind. That’s why we offer fantastic plumbing services in San Antonio, Texas. So if you need your water heater fixed, book an appointment with us today!

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